Find out how it works
Miniapplication ecosystem
The miniapplication ecosystem, on which Asseco is based, provides a wide range of possibilities to adapt the functionality of online banking to the expectations and habits of corporate clients. The bank has a tool for creating miniapplications dedicated to corporate clients and tailored to their size, industry and specificity of operations.
Boutique with miniapplications
The bank, based on the needs analysis, prepares ready-made mini-applications tailored to the client's business processes. Miniapplications are available in the boutique.
Integration with the platform
Using a visual editor, the customer defines the appearance of his online banking desk by adding and changing the order of individual miniapplications.
Fast availability
The distinguishing feature of the Asseco EBP system is that it allows you to quickly provide customers with new functionalities without the need to disable online banking.
Bank accounts
Functionalities in this mini-application enable:
- current control of the balance at any time and in any place,
- maintenance of various types of accounts (current, auxiliary, technical, payroll, the Company Social Benefits Fund and virtual in many convertible currencies),
- settlement within the framework of the client’s business activity,
- online access to the account or consolidation of their balances.

Cash handling services
Adjusted to the customer’s expectations, handling of open and closed cash deposits, closed and
authorized withdrawals, the possibility of flexible management of permissions of persons authorized to perform all cash transactions, provides a comprehensive solution for customers who have cash turnover in the company.

Miniapplication serviced solution for domestic transfers - regular, multi transfers, to the Social
Security Institution (ZUS), tax, payroll and foreign transfers (as individual or group transactions).
It also gives the possibility of creating standing orders with a schedule and a frequency.

Trade finance
Fast electronic transmission of orders from the trade financing area, interactive communication with the bank’s and individual document templates.

Thanks to this miniapplication, clients are able to manage their basket of deposits: open, modify
and terminate term deposits in many currencies and on any given date and overnights.

Miniapplication focused on convenience and security during company employees’ business trips, easy and effective control of business expenses by setting authorization limits per day/month.

Miniapplication which enables monitoring the current financial exposure, partial or full repayment
of a credit and reviewing the repayment schedule.